10 Best Floral Tea and their benefits

10 Best Floral Tea and their benefits

10 Best Floral Tea and their benefits

Best Floral Tea

Tea (especially floral tea) is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It has been around for centuries and it's used by people from all walks of life to help them relax, rejuvenate, or as a way to stay healthy. There are many different kinds of tea that come from various plants and flowers. Some offer more benefits than others, so we've compiled a list of the 10 best floral teas that you should try!


1.     Lavender Tea

Lavender tea is made by infusing the flowers and leaves of

lavender rose chamomile flower tea

lavender, making it aromatic with a relaxing taste. It can be enjoyed before bedtime or in the middle of the day to give you a little buzz. Remember that if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have high blood pressure, this drink should not be consumed because it may cause miscarriage or hypertension respectively. Avoid this drink if allergic to Lavendula Angustifolia plants as well!


2.    Chamomile Tea

A great choice for those who have problems sleeping, Chamomile tea is made by infusing dried flowers of chamomile in hot water. It has a light taste and a fruity aroma that will make you feel calm with its rich flavor! You can drink this before bedtime or at any time during the day to soothe your nerves.


3.    Butterfly pea Tea

Butterfly pea tea is a great drink for those who have problems with their blood sugar levels. The leaves of the plant are boiled and then left to steep in water, making it an exceptionally good choice for diabetics or people with hypoglycemia.


4.    Rose Tea

Rose tea is made by steeping rose petals in boiling water. It has a pleasant and delicate taste, but it can be too sweet for some people's liking.

A great drink to make when you're feeling down or homesick, Rose Tea makes for the perfect comfort food! It's also healthy because of its anti-inflammatory properties which are known to ease stomach pain as well as other illnesses like diabetes and arthritis.


5.    Hibiscus Flower Tea

Hibiscus Flower Tea is well-known for its color, which ranges from pink to scarlet. It also has a tart taste that might not be the best option for some people. Best served chilled, Hibiscus tea is an excellent choice when you're feeling flush due to it being rich in vitamin C and potassium content.


osmanthus flower tea

6.    Osmanthus Tea

Osmanthus Tea is a delicious and fragrant tea that's best served with a dollop of honey. It smells like freshly baked bread, but it has an aftertaste similar to iced linden blossom flowers. This particular kind of floral tea also offers plenty in the way of antioxidants which help reduce inflammation!


7.     Jasmine Tea

Jasmine Tea is an aromatic floral tea that has a flavor reminiscent of honey. It also offers a calming and soothing quality, which makes it great to drink before bedtime or whenever you want to let your worries melt away. Jasmine flowers are rich in magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium too!


8.    Chrysanthemum Tea

Chrysanthemum Tea is a light, refreshing tea that offers plenty of health benefits. It's one of the only teas that contains vitamin C, making it great for immunity-boosting reasons! Chrysanthemums are also known to have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties which make them useful for soothing dry skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis.


9.    Blooming Teas


Blooming Teas are the newest trend in tea consumption. They're a unique and innovative way to enjoy your favorite teas by infusing them into ice cubes before adding them to water, milk or straight up! Blooming Tea is also known as "tea on tap" because of its unique ability that when chilled with water it becomes like an iced tea.


10. Lemongrass

Lemongrass is a great tea for those looking to lose weight, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. The UMMC also points out that Lemongrass can be used as an anti-inflammatory treatment and could help fight off colds.

Main Take Away

There are many benefits to drinking floral tea. It's not just a tasty beverage! Floral teas can help lower blood sugar levels and reduce the effects of arthritis, as well as offer plenty in the way of antioxidants for those looking for ways to fight inflammation too.

Flower Tea has been around for thousands of years and is still a popular drink today because it can be used as alternative medicine or just simply enjoyed for relaxation purposes. One should be careful about the amount they drink though; too much could lead to stomach problems such as nausea and diarrhea. If you are interested in trying out some of these teas, you can purchase them from your local grocery store or even online.

PAI wellness has a variety of herbal teas for you to choose from, here are some of our favorites:

Take home your favorite flower scent to enrich your taste of life 

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